Spell of the Seer’s Steps Ring in the Reign of Ravishing Reigns … If we ponder deep.. Darkness is not the rival of light! Hunger is not the opposite of satisfaction! Death is not the enemy of birth!… Continue Reading →
Sometimes we get so angry that we feel like burning the whole world into ashes; but what can be done if the object of our anger is not before us? Without them being there, and the object of our profoundest… Continue Reading →
Vibhandaka started listening as to how the outer world entered his inner world in the words of his son who was oblivious to the world: “Dear father, my present state is like a man blinded by the sudden sight… Continue Reading →
Not sending with empty hands anyone who approaches is Bharatiyata. That is the way of playing a perfect host! A man becomes human if his heart is home for such philanthropic feelings. When it is in excess he becomes a… Continue Reading →