King Romapada beamed with the glow of Sun from the high throne in the august court. Other befitting seats were occupied by highly intellectual philanthropists, scholars and warriors. Like a calf which recognizes and approaches its mother cow among a… Continue Reading →
Bharat has been witness for centuries to the demolition of idols amidst the cry of ‘Alla Ho Akbar’; but demolition of a statue amidst the cry of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ is very new to it. Arguably this never before… Continue Reading →
Barring the sorrow of childlessness there is no one as blessed as Dasharatha on other things! The race in which he was born was the Race of Light, The Sun Dynasty; his country was beaming with pearls and persons who… Continue Reading →
That was November 12, 2004; entire nation was soaking in Deepavali light. But, on the same morning a news struck like a thunderbolt! Seer of Kanchi~Kamakoti Peetham SriSri Jayendra Sarawati Swamiji was arrested!! For once we thought, ‘it will not… Continue Reading →
How will wife react when the husband tells her he is going to marry again? Reaction of most of traditional Gurus will be similar when a disciple tells he is going to surrender before another Guru! But Bhagawan Vasishta was… Continue Reading →
Drought is not normal for nature; rain is. When a sacred soul who has attained nature steps in to a place, nature will return to rainy natural self! Drought denotes dearth of rain. Will dearth remain once the complete seer… Continue Reading →
Imagine a mother bird which passes the food from its beak to the beak of the baby bird; what you see is the height of altruism! When the mother bird transfers the food within its mouth to another mouth without… Continue Reading →
Did Rama doubt chastity of Sita? Did our ancestors wrongly believe that “A snake called Rahu would swallow the sun and the moon”? The answer to both the above questions is found in a single verse of Mahakavi Kalidasa’s… Continue Reading →
Femininity should not be dealt with cruelty; saffron should not be seen lightly – these are the twin rules in the culture of Sanatan Dharma. Sadhvi Prajna Singh Takur is a woman and a sanyasin. The way Swami Purnachetanananda… Continue Reading →
Vibhandaka started listening as to how the outer world entered his inner world in the words of his son who was oblivious to the world: “Dear father, my present state is like a man blinded by the sudden sight… Continue Reading →