Shree Shree Raghaveshvara Bharathi Mahaswamiji addressed  a big  gathering of  devotees  at Shree Ramashrama, Bengaluru ,on 9th June,2013. His holiness spoke on the great significance of Kailas Manasarovar yathra. Shree Swamiji will be undertaking a pilgrimage with over  hundred and thirty yathris to Gangothri, Goumukh and  Kailas  Manasarovar via  Katmand. Yathris will be leaving Bangalore on 17th June.

Shree Swamiji said  that  setting out on journeys is not a new thing  with sanyasis like him but the yathra which Shree Swamiji is about to undertake is meant to free a person from the yathra called life. Just as the ant which journeys on the rim of a glass without knowing where it goes and what it needs, human beings too are caught in the endless journey called samsara.

This yathra  is very sacred  because  what can be holier than  Ma Ganga and mount Kailas, the abode of  Gods. They are the symbol and pride of Sanathana Dharma But unfortunately Manasarovar and Mount Kailas are in China and we have to pay money to alien government and visit our sacred places of worship.

“We are assuring you that we are carrying all our devotees with us in this Yathra. Some will be with us some will be within us.“

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