Water  Water  Everywhere-   Sri  Radha krishna  Bhadthi’s  five books on Water and  Shade

It was indeed a  rare  day  for  environmentalists  and book lovers  when  five books  on   water,the  precious commodity ,   was  released  at  Kuvempu kalakshethra  auditorium   on  11 April, 2010.   Many speakers  at the function  congratulated  Sri   Radha Krishna  Bhadthi, the  author  who is  a columnist in Vijaya Karnataka  daily,  for  this  rare  achievement . By compiling his    column on Water and Shade  which has been running  for  six years, the  writer  has provided    the right knowledge  for the society.

Sri Nagesh Hegde, of  Prajavani,Shree Padre, the eminent environmentalist,  sri Vishweshwara  Bhat, editor, Vijaya karnatka,  Sri T. N. Seetharam,   Director of  Tele  films and serials, Sri Nagesh Rao, columnist participated in the  program .

Sri  Sri Raghaveshwara  Bharathi  Swamiji of  Sri Ramachandrapura  math inaugurated the  program  by starting  a  water  clock  specially  designed and  brought   by  Niragnte  Puttappa . Speaking  at the function, Sri swamiji stated that  man’s   life is  a constant  search for  God. God is  always in front of us in the  form of   air, water, trees  and  animals.-  Mother  Nature.  We should develop an outlook  to look after  Her. We should not use  Nature as  a commodity to be used  and thrown. It is to be treated  with  love  and worshipful attitiude.Sanskrit  word  Jeevana means life, breath and  also  water. We should  be one  with  Nature  and accept  her  gifts  with an attitude of  humility and gratefulness.

His Holiness complimented  Sri Radhakrishna Badthi for being  a journalist  who  has  retained  bhava  or  emotional wholeness in these  days of commercial  journalism.

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