Science, Social life, spirituality, health, dharma artha kaama moksha all are included in daily life in our Sanathana Dharma…
What is the real meaning of life? What we want in life? Why we are living? What is happiness? How to enjoy life in proper sense? Real happiness??? To find answers, let us go back to our roots…
Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
Life is not big, it’s not tough, it’s just that we don’t know about it… about Life… what to say about life, it is full of tragedy and comedy….. it is full comedy in tragedy and vice versa….
ವೇದಾ೦ತಿ ಅರಿಯಲಾರ ದುಖಃದ ಸುಖವನ್ನ…. ಕವಿ ಅರಿಯಲಾರ ವೇದಾ೦ತಿಯ ದುಖಃವನ್ನ…
November 7, 2010 at 1:09 PM
Science, Social life, spirituality, health, dharma artha kaama moksha all are included in daily life in our Sanathana Dharma…
What is the real meaning of life? What we want in life? Why we are living? What is happiness? How to enjoy life in proper sense? Real happiness??? To find answers, let us go back to our roots…
Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
November 7, 2010 at 4:14 PM
Life is not big, it’s not tough, it’s just that we don’t know about it… about Life… what to say about life, it is full of tragedy and comedy….. it is full comedy in tragedy and vice versa….
ವೇದಾ೦ತಿ ಅರಿಯಲಾರ ದುಖಃದ ಸುಖವನ್ನ…. ಕವಿ ಅರಿಯಲಾರ ವೇದಾ೦ತಿಯ ದುಖಃವನ್ನ…