विद्या विवादाय, धनं मदाय, शक्ति: परेषां परिपीडनाय।
खलस्य साधो: विपरीतमेतत्, ज्ञानाय, दानाय च रक्षणाय।। – सुभाषितं
Education given to wicked person is used for creating and fighting disputes, wealth gets converted in to arrogance, strength becomes a tool to harass others. When education is given to a virtuous man, it is used for enhancing knowledge, wealth for charity and strength is for saving others from struggles.
A New Lanka named China!
We remember China along with Lanka! In Tretayuga Lanka meant both strength and threat! Strength per se is not an evil thing; when strength is acquired by a virtuous man it results in security all around him. But when strength is coupled with harassment to others, the combination is deadly! There is no peace of mind for people around! It is the beginning of a hellish routine, of fights and wars, of arguments and atrocities. That was the way Lanka was, and that is the way China is!
Ravana didn’t belong to a royal race. Kingdom of Lanka was not inherited by him. Using his superlative organizing skills he grouped together all the demons who had taken refuge in the nether world Rasatala and built a very powerful kingdom. Wealth beyond comparison and unparalleled war capabilities were the distinguishing marks of his kingdom.
Ravana of China is Mao Zedang! China, an ordinary Asian country which was being troubled often by Japan started on the path of becoming a super power after Mao Zedang became General Secretary of Communist Party. If the country is a economic and military super power, he is the man behind it!
The grand wealthy spectacle, its iron like security of Lanka and the heroism of Ravana made even a great man of cunning, Hanuman dumbfounded. China’s wealth and might of today cause bewilderment to anyone. That completes the comparison of today’s China with Lanka of yore in organizing skills, vulgarity of wealth and military might.
True, Ravana was a cruel as he was capable! His Lanka was built amidst the ocean of blood and on the mountain peak of carcasses! In cruelty and killings Mao is not any less compared to Ravana! There is no class which he has not trampled, harassed or killed. You know who was the mightiest mass murderer of 20th Century? It was not Hitler or Stalin; it was Mao!
In the authoritative book called “Black Book of Communism” estimates that over 650 million people have died in the hands of Mao! Anyone who raised his voice against Mao was either killed, tortured or became a victim of forced famine! Tienanmen Square tragedy of 1989 is the proof that the cruel legacy of Mao continues!
Why only China? Even India is witnessing bloodbath now and then in the name of Mao in the form of naxal demons!
Reign of Ravana started by ousting his own kin and usurping his kingdom. China never leaves a chance to usurp the land from any country with which it has shared borders. It is a born trouble-monger which has border disputes with eighteen of it’s neighbours.
Look at this article from Tarekh Fatah – a treatise on the history of China’s border disputes: China’s border disputes with 18 countries | Imperialism or Expansionist Designs?
Policy of India is completely different from this. We have experience of being attacked, we have sacrificed our lands to avert war, killings and sufferings. We have faced wars, but have never attacked any nation on our own!
But with neighbours like China and Pak, we can not avoid wars. In the year 1962 China declared war on India for Arunachala Pradesh. India had to suffer defeat. Reason for the defeat was not lack of power, it was lack of willpower that did us in! It demonstrated how even valiant warriors become worthless under a spineless leader!
Victory cannot teach the lessons which a defeat teach! India never had to look back after the defeat of 1962! It has been a series of victories to India after the demise of Jawahar Lal Nehru in 1964! Our proud army won against Pakistan in 1965. In 1967 Chinese troops had to withdraw in Nathu La. It was victory again against Pakistan in 1971. We built an atom bomb in 1974. In the Kargil war of 1999 Pakistan had to bite the dust again. Just the other day China was forced to retreat from Dokhlam!
What actually transpired in Dokhlam?
Bhutan is our friendly nation. According to the agreement between India and Bhutan, security of Bhutan is India’s responsibility. China embarked on a misadventure of building a road in Dokhlam within the territory of Bhutan and to usurp the area. Strategically Dokhlam is a very sensitive area and is very crucial for the security of India. Indian military, with a new-found confidence under able leadership decided to be aggressive to thwart the enemy’s designs. Matters became so hot that a full-scale war looked imminent. After an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation of 72 days China had to quietly withdraw from Dokhla!
Heroics of India – in China’s eyes (Courtesy: Wikipedia Pic: Chinese Soldiers)
Difference is glaring! In 1962 India lost after waging a war; in 2017 India won without having to wage a war! Reason is –great strength called self confidence, which was missing then and present now! Rama too won over Ravana with the same strength:
विजेतव्या लंका चरण तरणियो जलनिधि:
विपक्ष: पौलस्त्यो रणभुवि सहायाश्च कपय:।
तथाप्येको राम: सकलमवधीद्राक्शसकुलम्
क्रियासिद्धि: सत्वे भवति मस्तान नोपकरणे।।
What has to be won is impenetrable, unconquerable Lanka. What has to be crossed on barefoot is the mass of ocean measuring a hundred yojanas. Demon to be encountered is the mightiest in universe, Ravana. Soldiers in the army are monkeys, known for their frailty. Look what transpired in the end? Rama’s inherent inner capabilities annihilated Ravana’s apparent external capabilities. Success doesn’t lie in external instruments but in internal instincts!
The lessons that Rama’s victory then and Indian victory now teach are: to defeat the Neo Lanka called China, India and Indians need pride and self confidence!
Translation of SriSri RaghaveshwaraBharati MahaSwamiji’s Loka~Lekha Kannada blog.
Read original article here : ಡೋಕ್ಲಾಂ: ಆತ್ಮಸ್ಥೈರ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಸಲಾಂ!
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