Tag chaturmasya

Summons to Sacrifice Swiftly Ushered the Whole Universe!

Like a thousand rays emanating from the Sun, thirty three crores of Gods and infinite number of beings have evolved from one Supreme God. Entire universe is his home, all beings are his babies. In a MahaYaga invitation is there… Continue Reading →

Master’s magical maneuvers; MahaYajna Materializes!

Where is the seer? Where is the spring? What sews a seer to the spring?   Where is the presence of spring in one’s life without the presence of the seer? Dust from feet of seers is the source of… Continue Reading →

Ashvamedha: Great Results or Great Ruins!?

Happiness multiplies when shared; comfort enhances with added blessings! Dasharatha shared with Vasishtha and other Gurus the happiness of Rushyashrnga’s consent to perform Ashvamedha; his happiness got a boost by the happiness of the masters! Blessing from Rushyashrunga became more… Continue Reading →

Even Treasure Touching The Toes Won’t Be Recognized Till Time Is Ripe…

One should wait for the right time for things to materialize; because things don’t happen till the opportune time arrives! It so happens many a time that things happen on their own without we actually doing anything about it; if… Continue Reading →

Kairangala Clash – Is It A Prelude To Return of Parashurama?

Killing a life is sin; killing cow is a major sin! Stealing is sin; stealing a cow is a major sin!   Things being so – how painful it will be if cow, which is loved as a mother and… Continue Reading →

Arrival of the Complete Soul; Countdown for Completeness…

A kingdom is nothing but non-duality of the ruler and the ruled. It works like this: welfare of the common man is welfare of the King, woes of the common man is woes of the King; this is RajaDharma –… Continue Reading →

GouSwarga : Dream Of A Lifetime Is Coming To Life!

Dear GouBandhu, We thought of talking about GouSwarga; but we feel first we need to talk about the suffocating life cows are leading today; because unless you understand that hell, this heaven cannot be understood! Forget slaughterhouses, cow is not… Continue Reading →

Traveler from Anga Touches the Soul of Ayodhya!

Like a single grey hair hidden beneath the beautiful dark mane stands out when one stands in front of the mirror, like small patches of dark clouds which dim the shining morning rays of Sun God, a small soreness of… Continue Reading →

Bounty Doesn’t Wait; But Begging For It Is Not An Easy Feat!

Churning has to go on till ambrosia comes out; that ambrosia will be the result of churning is a foregone conclusion!   Though the gracious soul who can grant the boon of an offspring to Dasharatha was in front of… Continue Reading →

Romapada was stepping stone for Rama’s descent to our middle; every heart swung like cradle!

King Romapada beamed with the glow of Sun from the high throne in the august court. Other befitting seats were occupied by highly intellectual philanthropists, scholars and warriors. Like a calf which recognizes and approaches its mother cow among a… Continue Reading →

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