We are happy to  announce that   students of all schools  run by Shree Ramachandra pura math  have  performd well in the    S.S.L.C  examination of  2010.  Sri Bharathi Vidyala, Vijayanagar  Bangalore   and Sri Bharathi Vidyapeeta , Badiyadka have secured 100% results  with many students  scoring  distinctions and  first classes.  Ramesh    Bhat of Sri Bharathi Vidyalaya  has brought laurel to the school by securing  95. 52%

Sri Swamiji’s blesses  the managements, staff and students of the  schools.We pray that the  institutions achieve greater heights and serve  the society by providing value based  quality education.

Hare  Rama


Sharada  Jayagovind

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