Bangalore: , Sri Ramashram ,30 May

Addressing a large number of devotees gathered here today , Sri Swamiji said that the role of Srimath in the lives of the devotees is like that of a cool breeze on a hot day.

His holiness explained how life is a combination of happiness and misery. Diffculties and problems are part of life. We should learn to face them and Srimath heals and comforts those who come to her fold. The devotees should open the windows of their hearts and souls and receive the benediction. It is we human beings who erect walls and barriers. The breeze is ready to comfort all.

Earlier in the day Kumkumarchana was performed by women as part of the activities of the Purna Jeevana Kendra of Bangalore Mandala . Sri swamiji said that Purna Jeevana Kendra is the educare centre of the Srimath and will be ever ready to provide guidance and assistance to devotees in spiritual and practical matters .

Cool Breeze and the Srimath
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