Tag Dharmajyothi

Fire of Fury and the Shower of submission..

Imagine a mother bird which passes the food from its beak to the beak of the baby bird; what you see is the height of altruism! When the mother bird transfers the food within its mouth to another mouth without… Continue Reading →

You think we don’t know eclipse? You don’t know Bharatiyata!

Did Rama doubt chastity of Sita? Did our ancestors wrongly believe that “A snake called Rahu would swallow the sun and the moon”?   The answer to both the above questions is found in a single verse of Mahakavi Kalidasa’s… Continue Reading →

Spell of the Seer’s Steps ring in the Reign of Ravishing Rains …

Spell of the Seer’s Steps Ring in the Reign of Ravishing Reigns …   If we ponder deep..   Darkness is not the rival of light! Hunger is not the opposite of satisfaction! Death is not the enemy of birth!… Continue Reading →

Leave alone Raama, do you know even Ravan didn’t consume beef?

It is painful to hear undesired words about our loved ones; if the undesired words speak the truth, we can somehow digest them; but it hits hard when it is untrue! Lord Rama is a personality which is adored by… Continue Reading →

This Great Sage Plays a Mother who Showed the Phantom to the Kid…

Sometimes we get so angry that we feel like burning the whole world into ashes; but what can be done if the object of our anger is not before us? Without them being there, and the object of our profoundest… Continue Reading →

Simplicity of the Sage Speaks!

Vibhandaka started listening as to how the outer world entered his inner world in the words of his son who was oblivious to the world:   “Dear father, my present state is like a man blinded by the sudden sight… Continue Reading →

Queen Mahendrani’s reconversion; Does it herald beginning of a New Era?

Holy mother Sanatan Dharma (meaning Hinduism, which is without birth or death) only knows losing her children; she has not known having her children return home! The number of children she has lost in the past couple of millenniums is… Continue Reading →

Did frailty come begging for charity?

What kind of mother is she!? Inducing a daughter, that too an innocent one – to inveigle an innocent sage?  Using the piece of her own flesh as a pawn to kidnap a sage, who has not seen the world,… Continue Reading →

Is poison being administered to a billion countrymen in the name of milk? Part 3/3

If someone insists that a pebble and pearl are same, isn’t it logical to conclude he is insane? If someone mixes pebbles of diamond with the pebbles on the shore doesn’t he stretch the borders of foolishness? Honorable Supreme Court… Continue Reading →

Let Raama be in his birthplace; let Babar be in Uzbekistan…!

That was the month of December in the year 1992; we were in a young age and were studying vedas in SriKshetra Gokarna. One day we were passing through the RathaBeedi to our students’ hostel we felt a discernible change… Continue Reading →

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