Fed up of having ugly men sit on me; come out of your slumber when you elect your member, at least this time! The system of which we are all part today is known as – democracy. Here citizen is… Continue Reading →
A kingdom is nothing but non-duality of the ruler and the ruled. It works like this: welfare of the common man is welfare of the King, woes of the common man is woes of the King; this is RajaDharma –… Continue Reading →
Barring the sorrow of childlessness there is no one as blessed as Dasharatha on other things! The race in which he was born was the Race of Light, The Sun Dynasty; his country was beaming with pearls and persons who… Continue Reading →
Drought is not normal for nature; rain is. When a sacred soul who has attained nature steps in to a place, nature will return to rainy natural self! Drought denotes dearth of rain. Will dearth remain once the complete seer… Continue Reading →
Spell of the Seer’s Steps Ring in the Reign of Ravishing Reigns … If we ponder deep.. Darkness is not the rival of light! Hunger is not the opposite of satisfaction! Death is not the enemy of birth!… Continue Reading →
Sometimes we get so angry that we feel like burning the whole world into ashes; but what can be done if the object of our anger is not before us? Without them being there, and the object of our profoundest… Continue Reading →
What kind of mother is she!? Inducing a daughter, that too an innocent one – to inveigle an innocent sage? Using the piece of her own flesh as a pawn to kidnap a sage, who has not seen the world,… Continue Reading →
Sometimes an ant can do what an elephant can’t! An elephant cannot enter a tiny hole; but an ant can do it with a song! Now someone has to enter the cave of the lion called Vibhandaka to snatch away… Continue Reading →
Everyone is aware that cow-slaughter is rampant in our country; but how many are aware that even milk is slaughtered!? Definitely yes! What we drink every day is the dead body of milk; poison in the garb of milk!… Continue Reading →