The Immortal Takshashila – 1 ~~~*~~~ Have you heard of the story of SriRama decimating a kingdom of outward enjoyment to establish a kingdom of inward accomplishment? “Any story of Rama has to be like this only and not… Continue Reading →
Where is the seer? Where is the spring? What sews a seer to the spring? Where is the presence of spring in one’s life without the presence of the seer? Dust from feet of seers is the source of… Continue Reading →
Fed up of having ugly men sit on me; come out of your slumber when you elect your member, at least this time! The system of which we are all part today is known as – democracy. Here citizen is… Continue Reading →
Like a single grey hair hidden beneath the beautiful dark mane stands out when one stands in front of the mirror, like small patches of dark clouds which dim the shining morning rays of Sun God, a small soreness of… Continue Reading →
Churning has to go on till ambrosia comes out; that ambrosia will be the result of churning is a foregone conclusion! Though the gracious soul who can grant the boon of an offspring to Dasharatha was in front of… Continue Reading →
King Romapada beamed with the glow of Sun from the high throne in the august court. Other befitting seats were occupied by highly intellectual philanthropists, scholars and warriors. Like a calf which recognizes and approaches its mother cow among a… Continue Reading →
Bharat has been witness for centuries to the demolition of idols amidst the cry of ‘Alla Ho Akbar’; but demolition of a statue amidst the cry of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ is very new to it. Arguably this never before… Continue Reading →
How will wife react when the husband tells her he is going to marry again? Reaction of most of traditional Gurus will be similar when a disciple tells he is going to surrender before another Guru! But Bhagawan Vasishta was… Continue Reading →
*Today is the birthday of Chatrapati Shivaji. Shall we imbibe into our intellect just droplet from the ocean that is the life saga of that great hero? Time: A day about three and three fourths of a century ago Place:… Continue Reading →