Like a single grey hair hidden beneath the beautiful dark mane stands out when one stands in front of the mirror, like small patches of dark clouds which dim the shining morning rays of Sun God, a small soreness of separation sneaked within Dasharatha as he was starting on his journey to Ayodhya beaming with the success of his mission.
Was it not curtains to the celebration of the company of King of Anga, his soul-mate, which he got for few days after a gap of many days? Was it not a touching moment of taking leave from the person who granted a new lease of life to Raghu Dynasty by sending Rushyashrunga?
Touching moment is cradle of tearful eyes!
Breaking the blissful moments with bosom buddy can melt even a rock and make tears ooze!
Hands with friendly touch and eyes oozing affection mingled from both the kings indicating ‘we are together in the forthcoming major mission’; as though signifying the mingling of their hearts, Dasharatha and Romapada forgot themselves and the world around them in an affectionate embrace!
Dasharatha exited from the palace of Anga and headed towards Ayodhya with pleasant mind.
Look at the difference between journey and return-journey! When Dasharatha travelled from Ayodhya to Anga he was aspirational~anxious; asipiration that the Sacred Sage would arrive to Ayodhya with him; anxious with the fear of rejection by the Sage and returning empty-handed! When actually he returned, he was relieved and he relished the success of his mission!
While going to Anga his heart was yearning for the great man of cunning; while returning with him the Sage was travelling! In a sense it was a fruitful journey which started with zilch and ended at zenith!
This journey is meaningful – both physically and philosophically, and it was prelude to Ramayana!
When Holy Ganges gushes to your gate won’t you be glad and greet her with gratitude? When the tomorrow’s light approaches Ayodhya sitting within Rushyashrunga doesn’t Ayodhya have to give a grand and glorious reception with all festivities? When the King himself is travelling with the Great Sage, how can Ayodhya prepare to the decorate herself?
With the same motive in mind, messengers made their way to Ayodhya on fastest of the horses carrying Kings Message, they informed everyone about the good news of King’s arrival accompanied by the sage; they also delivered the decree of the leader to draw the divine sage with all celebrations.
There is great significance to the first sight of any soul or substance. First sight is saved till the last! Winning in first sight is winning everything! The Lord of Ayodhya, who was seeking great blessings from the sage, wished to make the first impression of Ayodhya to Rushyashrunga very comfortable!
There was a sea of happiness in Ayodhya; when the Supreme King entered the strongest Kingdom with the Sacred Sage the ground was sprayed with flavored waters; atmosphere was fresh with the aroma of incense and redolence; air was aflutter with flags of different mesmerizing designs and wonderful combinations. As the land, atmosphere and sky was soothing to the sight, damsel Ayodhya welcomed Rushyashrunga, the sage with sublime sanctity, with all the customary fervour and festivities!
Translated blog of Sri Samsthana SriSri RaghaveshwaraBharati MahaSwamiji
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