Tag RamaRashmi


|| मत्स्यावतारस्तु इह मर्त्य शिक्षणं, रक्षोवधायैव न केवलं विभो: ||   “Divinity descended on earth to demonstrate the lesson called life to the human race; not just to decimate the demons.” Srimad Bhagawata (about Ramavatara).   How would it be… Continue Reading →

Master’s magical maneuvers; MahaYajna Materializes!

Where is the seer? Where is the spring? What sews a seer to the spring?   Where is the presence of spring in one’s life without the presence of the seer? Dust from feet of seers is the source of… Continue Reading →

Even Treasure Touching The Toes Won’t Be Recognized Till Time Is Ripe…

One should wait for the right time for things to materialize; because things don’t happen till the opportune time arrives! It so happens many a time that things happen on their own without we actually doing anything about it; if… Continue Reading →

Kairangala Clash – Is It A Prelude To Return of Parashurama?

Killing a life is sin; killing cow is a major sin! Stealing is sin; stealing a cow is a major sin!   Things being so – how painful it will be if cow, which is loved as a mother and… Continue Reading →

ಪ್ರಕಟಣೆ : ರಾಮರಶ್ಮಿ, ಲೋಕಲೇಖದ ದಿನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಾವಣೆ

ಲೋಕಲೇಖ ಹಾಗೂ ರಾಮರಶ್ಮಿ – ಎರಡೂ ಬ್ಲಾಗ್ ಗಳು ಸರತಿಯಂತೆ ಭಾನುವಾರವೇ ಪ್ರಕಟಗೊಳ್ಳಲಿದೆ.
ಈ ಭಾನುವಾರ ರಾಮರಶ್ಮಿ, ಮುಂದಿನ ಭಾನುವಾರ ಲೋಕಲೇಖ – ಈ ರೀತಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಣೆಯು ನಡೆಯಲಿದೆ.

Lord of Ayodhya at the lawn of Romapada..

Barring the sorrow of childlessness there is no one as blessed as Dasharatha on other things! The race in which he was born was the Race of Light, The Sun Dynasty; his country was beaming with pearls and persons who… Continue Reading →

What did we give to Kanchi Swamiji who sacrificed everything?

That was November 12, 2004; entire nation was soaking in Deepavali light. But, on the same morning a news struck like a thunderbolt! Seer of Kanchi~Kamakoti Peetham SriSri Jayendra Sarawati Swamiji was arrested!! For once we thought, ‘it will not… Continue Reading →

Freedom from Jealousy is Real Freedom!

How will wife react when the husband tells her he is going to marry again? Reaction of most of traditional Gurus will be similar when a disciple tells he is going to surrender before another Guru! But Bhagawan Vasishta was… Continue Reading →

A Cow Vigilante in Juvenile Shivaji

*Today is the birthday of Chatrapati Shivaji. Shall we imbibe into our intellect just droplet from the ocean that is the life saga of that great hero? Time: A day about three and three fourths of a century ago Place:… Continue Reading →

He who brought rain to Angarajya will bring children to Ayodhya too!

Drought is not normal for nature; rain is. When a sacred soul who has attained nature steps in to a place, nature will return to rainy natural self! Drought denotes dearth of rain. Will dearth remain once the complete seer… Continue Reading →

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